Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Prex Domini in Linguis Latinis et Graecis

Amici, Americani et Compatriotae,

The following is a literal translation of the Lord's Prayer from Matthew chapter 16. This is done in rebuttal against the wrongful suggestion by Pope Francis that "et ne nos inducas in tentationem" (and lead us not into temptation) ought to be rendered as "et ne cadamus in tentationem" (and let us not fall into temptation).


9b Pater noster, qui es in caelis,
Our Father, who art in the heavens

Sanctificetur nomen tuum,
May thy name be hollowed,

10 Adveniat regnum tuum,
May thy kingdom come (arrive),

Fiat voluntas tua,
May thy will (desire, purpose, wish, favor) be done (become, happen, take place),

Sicut in caelo, et in terra.
Just as in heaven, and in earth.
11 Panem nostrum supersubstantialem (quoditianum) da nobis hodie;
Give to us today our life-sustaining (daily, everyday, usual) bread;

12 Et dimitte nobis debita nostra,
And forgive (send away, scatter, dismiss) our debts (dues, duties)

Sicut et nos dimittimus debitoribus nostris;
Just as we forgive (send away, scatter, dismiss) our debtors

13 Et ne inducas nos in tentationem,
And may you not lead us into temptation (trial),

Sed libera nos a Malo.
But free (acquit, absolve, liberate, release) us from Evil (Bad, Wicked)

quia tuum est regnum; et potentia et gloria; in saecula saeculorum. Amen.
For yours in the kingdom, and power and glory, into the ages of ages. Amen,


9b πατερ ημων ο εν τοις ουρανοις αγιασθητω το ονομα σου
Father of us who [is] in the heavens hallowed be the name of you

10 λθετω η βασιλεια σου;
Let come the kingdom of you;

γενηθητω το θελημα σου
Let be done the will of you

ως εν ουρανω και επι της γης
As in heaven, [so] also upon earth.

11 τον αρτον ημων τον επιουσιον δος ημιν σημερον
The bread of us daily give us today

12 και αφες ημιν τα οφειληματα ημων
And forgive us the debts of us

ως και ημεις αφιεμεν τοις οφειλεταις ημων
As also we forgive the debtors of us

13 και μη εισενεγκης ημας εις πειρασμον
And not lead us into temptation (trial)

αλλα ρυσαι ημας απο του πονηρου
But deliver us from the evil.

οτι σου εστιν η βασιλεια και η δυναμις και η δοξα εις τους αιωνας αμην
For yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory for the ages Amen.

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