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Michael Shellenberg |
Michael Shellenberger is running as an Independent Candidate for Governor in the State of California on a primarily (almost exclusively) pro-nuclear power platform. There is an article at Atomic Insights on this:
Michael Shellenberger explains why he is running for governor of California – Part 3
That of course is laudable. But what is NOT mentioned is his position on the murder of pre-born babies in the womb and the sanctification of the sterile putrid filth of homosexual unions. No people who defy God's moral law by murdering pre-born babies and promoting sodomy and lesbianism can possibly have the virtue needed to obey man's regulations in the safe use of nuclear energy. Basically, if you cannot control what you do with your genitals - if you just have to titillate them and then abandon your responsibility for the consequences of said titillation - then you cannot by definition be trusted with the fires of creation which are nuclear energy.
Now Shellenberger's views on these more important issues - the intrinsic right to life from conception onward and the sanctity of marriage between one man and one woman - are not readily apparent in publicly available information to date. Indeed, his position on most other issues - illegal immigration, socialist health care, etc. - is unstated. However, he is associated with the usual liberal progressive feminist institutions such as Third Way, Breakthrough Institute and Generation Atomic, and liberal progressive feminism openly advocates and promotes evil. Therefore, for all of Michael Shellenberger's advocacy of safe, clean, economical nuclear energy, if he supports the murder of unborn babies and the sanctification of homosexual unions, then he is as wicked and as depraved as the current Governor, Jerry Brown, and he must be defeated, because moral issues always and everywhere trump prosperity issues. God Almighty is very clear about this:
2nd Chronicles 7:14 - And my people, upon whom my name is called, being converted, shall make supplication to me, and seek out my face, and do penance for their most wicked ways: then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sins and will heal their land.
Matthew 6:33 - Seek ye therefore first the kingdom of God, and his justice, and all these things shall be added unto you.
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