Sunday, December 17, 2017

Difficultas Potentatis Atomicae in Civitatibus Confoederatis Americae

Amici, Americani, et Compatriotae,

Nuclear energy has the potential of being the one energy source that doesn't dump toxic refuse to the environment, that has a fuel supply which can last billions of people tens of thousands of years, and that has the lowest mortality rate of any other form of power generation (including wind and solar power). Yet it currently faces a combination of strangulating regulations, low natural gas prices and rabid anti-nuclear activism. Nuclear power isn't successful against these forces because of the following reasons:

  • The NRC has been stacked with anti-nuclear activists under the previous Administration
  • The NRC has focused its regulations solely on light water reactors without concern for advanced non-light water reactors
  • There is a lack of a regulatory playing field between nuclear and the rest of the industry; if fossil fuel were held to the same standard as nuclear - do not release your pollution into the environment - then nuclear would win hands down.
  • Solar and wind have unfairly benefited from government handouts by the previous Administration to the almost complete exclusion of nuclear being recognized as so-called "green" energy.
  • Every solar and wind plant is a natural gas facility required as spinning reserve for 70% of the time renewable energy does not generate power; this results in natural gas providers financing renewable energy while lobbying Congress to knee-cap nuclear.
  • Utilities operating nuclear power plants also operate coal, oil and gas plants; so their interests are divided - as long as they have electricity to sell, it matters little the source.
  • Utility executives focus on next quarter's profit for the shareholder instead of on what the country needs in the next 20 years - their motivation is not the national interest but the pecuniary interests of their financiers.
  • NSSS company executives focus on golden parachutes for themselves instead of on actually building a new facility; they do the minimum necessary for initial NRC approval and then skim wherever they can.
  • The new work force available for utilities and NSSS companies is comprised of millennials who disrespect adherence to regulations, standards and procedures; and who lack an effective work ethic.
  • Liberal progressive feminist politicians are reflexively anti-nuclear, cow-towing to the fears of an ignorant, indolent and decadent population; they enact legislation and regulations, and they initiate programs and policies to shut down nuclear power plants and erect useless worthless solar and wind which always necessitate spinning natural gas reserve.

The worst problem however is the last one: The safe use of nuclear power requires regulatory adherence; but a nation of idolaters, adulterers, fornicators, sodomites, murderers and thieves who routinely defy  God's Law will always be incapable of following man's law. Often I read or hear the cry that if we just give people health, wealth and prosperity, then their behavior will change and they will become moral and righteous, that the reason for their evil is because necessities of life are withheld from them. However, that is NEVER the case. A people who murder unborn babies and who cannot distinguish that a male sex organ does not go into a male oral or anal orifice can never be trusted with the fires of creation. Repentance and conversion, righteousness and holiness come BEFORE health, wealth and prosperity. Think about it: do you want a murderer of innocent babies or a sexual pervert operating a nuclear power plant? Or designing one?

Furthermore, the greater the number of free handouts for such people, the greater the addiction to largess from the public treasury and the less the motivation to repent. The sin in man's heart must first be removed before God will bless man. A wicked man cannot be trust with nuclear energy. And such wickedness like abortion or sodomy is indicative of other wickedness like lying and stealing. Do you want a liar or a thief operating a nuclear power plant? Because that's what baby murderers and sodomites are.

So what will happen? We will do what our Cro-magnon ancestors did before us in the caves of France and Germany 45 thousand years ago: we will burn wood, straw, hay; mineral rock (coal), mineral slime (oil) and mineral gas (methane); because that's all we know how to do. We will choke on our carbon fumes because we cannot manage the strong nuclear force because we cannot obey the man-made regulations to manage it safely. And we cannot obey the man-made regulations to manage the strong nuclear force safely because we cannot obey God's Law to manage our personal behavior morally. A people who, unable to use the reason of the brains that God gave them, succumb to the lust of the flesh - every titillation of the genitals, every appetite of the stomach - cannot use that same reason for the safe operation of nuclear power plants. We fully merit what we have sown for ourselves.

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