Amici, Americani, Compatriotae,
To the reader's attention is directed the following video from the Veritas Forum - Miracles: Is Belief in the Supernatural Irrational? Also to the reader's attention is directed supplementary reading - Fides et Ratio by Pope St John Paul II. The fact of the matter is that there is no one more irrational than the dialectical materialist atheist (except perhaps the demonically possessed Islamic Jihadist), and no one more sane than he who has surrendered his will and his life to the care of God Almighty.
Et accesserunt ad eum Pharisaei et Sadducaei tentantes et rogaverunt eum, ut signum de caelo ostenderet eis. At ille respondens ait eis: “ Facto vespere dicitis: “Serenum erit, rubicundum est enim caelum”; et mane: “Hodie tempestas, rutilat enim triste caelum”. Faciem quidem caeli diiudicare nostis, signa autem temporum non potestis. Generatio mala et adultera signum quaerit, et signum non dabitur ei, nisi signum Ionae ”. Et, relictis illis, abiit.
Sunday, December 20, 2015
Miracula: Est Adsensio in Supernaturale Inrationabilis?
Wednesday, December 16, 2015
Daemon Karellen et Finis Pueritia ab Arthur C Clarke
Amici, Americani, Compatriotae,
The SyFy TV channel has converted Arthur C Clarke's 1953 novel Childhood's End into a three part television show. The ideas for Clarke's novel originates with the works of socialist Olaf Stapledon, particularly his novels Last and First Men, Last Men in London, and Star Maker. Communal intelligence, utopian socialism, and trascendent evolution are all extolled while individual freedom, religious principle and morality (particularly Judeo-Christian), and the responsibility of the free market are all denigrated. As a youth in the 1960s, 70s and 80s, I had read most of Arthur C Clarke's works. This TV show does not disappoint to follow the ideas (if not always the exact events) in his novel, and it is everything that socialist Presidential candidate Bernie Sanders supports, extols and advocates:
The alien who comes to bring this peace and prosperity turns out to have the form and physique of a demon: red skinned and yellow eyed with two horns, cloven hoofs and a tail.
Apparently humanity had a racial premonition that its transcendent evolution to a super-mind would require the dissolution of the race and the planet at the help of the alien. But he is portrayed as magnanimous and beneficent in helping humanity achieve world peace and transcendent evolution to the over-mind whereas religion is mocked and derided as having contributed nothing to mankind's progress, and God is accused at least by one protagonist of having caused disease and injury and turmoil and catastrophe. This is all the liberal progressive tripe which started in the late 19th century and early 20th with fantasizers like Olaf Stapledon.
But what really has God contributed? Telling liberal progressives that He so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son is like telling them something incomprehensible, for they do not believe in sin or that they sin, so there is no need for God's Son. Theirs is a materialist universe devoid of any spirituality except this fantastic and mythical over-mind. They believe as the alien tells them that man can create a heaven on earth by his own works. There is no recognition of man's inherent concupiscence, that he is born dead in his sins and trespasses.
Even the physical things that God through His Church has done - all the scientists who were Catholic, all the hospitals and schools that the Church built, all the good works that the Church has done for the poor - are cats aside into non-recognition, and this alien whose name is Karellen comes to Earth and brings peace and prosperity that Christ never did. The world is turned upside down in this TV show and in Clarke's novel. The demonic provides the good. And at the end which is tonight Earth will be destroyed as humanity's children psychically joined the over-mind. Nothing is left of those whom God created in His image. yet if one tells these people who believe in nonsense like this that God will at the end of time melt the elements with fire, creating a new heaven and a new earth, they will deride and condemn one as a hater and a religious extremist.
Well as for me, I will proudly remain a Catholic Christian extremist, and will always oppose people like Bernie Sanders who come in human form but are really the spawn of Satan himself. Indeed, if it looks like a demon and acts like a demon, then it is a demon and the Lord Jesus Christ will one day send Satan and all his demonic spawn to burn in hell for all eternity.
The SyFy TV channel has converted Arthur C Clarke's 1953 novel Childhood's End into a three part television show. The ideas for Clarke's novel originates with the works of socialist Olaf Stapledon, particularly his novels Last and First Men, Last Men in London, and Star Maker. Communal intelligence, utopian socialism, and trascendent evolution are all extolled while individual freedom, religious principle and morality (particularly Judeo-Christian), and the responsibility of the free market are all denigrated. As a youth in the 1960s, 70s and 80s, I had read most of Arthur C Clarke's works. This TV show does not disappoint to follow the ideas (if not always the exact events) in his novel, and it is everything that socialist Presidential candidate Bernie Sanders supports, extols and advocates:
- There is no money and no need to work
- Food and the necessities of life are magically provided
- Free green energy is instantly available everywhere
- Religious extremism, war and fighting are gone
The alien who comes to bring this peace and prosperity turns out to have the form and physique of a demon: red skinned and yellow eyed with two horns, cloven hoofs and a tail.
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Karellen with Children Childhood's End |
But what really has God contributed? Telling liberal progressives that He so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son is like telling them something incomprehensible, for they do not believe in sin or that they sin, so there is no need for God's Son. Theirs is a materialist universe devoid of any spirituality except this fantastic and mythical over-mind. They believe as the alien tells them that man can create a heaven on earth by his own works. There is no recognition of man's inherent concupiscence, that he is born dead in his sins and trespasses.
Even the physical things that God through His Church has done - all the scientists who were Catholic, all the hospitals and schools that the Church built, all the good works that the Church has done for the poor - are cats aside into non-recognition, and this alien whose name is Karellen comes to Earth and brings peace and prosperity that Christ never did. The world is turned upside down in this TV show and in Clarke's novel. The demonic provides the good. And at the end which is tonight Earth will be destroyed as humanity's children psychically joined the over-mind. Nothing is left of those whom God created in His image. yet if one tells these people who believe in nonsense like this that God will at the end of time melt the elements with fire, creating a new heaven and a new earth, they will deride and condemn one as a hater and a religious extremist.
Well as for me, I will proudly remain a Catholic Christian extremist, and will always oppose people like Bernie Sanders who come in human form but are really the spawn of Satan himself. Indeed, if it looks like a demon and acts like a demon, then it is a demon and the Lord Jesus Christ will one day send Satan and all his demonic spawn to burn in hell for all eternity.
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Karellen the Demon Childhood's End |
Tuesday, December 15, 2015
Stultitia et Hysteria Theoriae Commutationis Climaticae
Amici, Americani, Compatriotae,
Today Yahoo's new board had an interesting simultaneous display of two different news articles which reported mutually exclusive and opposite calamities both being caused by anthropogenic global warming:
Earth May Spin Faster as Glaciers Melt
Rising Sea Levels Will Slow Down Earth's Rotation
One wonders exactly how stupid these climate change alarmists think the rest of us are. One now knows from this display how stupid these climate change alarmists indeed are.
Today Yahoo's new board had an interesting simultaneous display of two different news articles which reported mutually exclusive and opposite calamities both being caused by anthropogenic global warming:
Earth May Spin Faster as Glaciers Melt
Rising Sea Levels Will Slow Down Earth's Rotation
One wonders exactly how stupid these climate change alarmists think the rest of us are. One now knows from this display how stupid these climate change alarmists indeed are.
Climate Change,
Saturday, December 12, 2015
Imperium Romanum Magnum Iterum Faciamus
Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe
Amici, Americani, Compatriotae,
Nostra Domina de Guadalupe (Our Lady of Guadalupe):
Nostra Domina de Guadalupe (Our Lady of Guadalupe):
Encenium - Hanukkah
Amici, Americani, Compatriotae,
This year the Feast of the Dedication of the Temple in Jerusalem runs from Sunset, 6 December to nightfall, 14 December during the Christian Advent Season. Its Biblical basis may be found at the following:
1st Maccabees 4:36-61
2nd Maccabees 10:1-9
John 10:22
The short story is this. Centuries before Christ's birth the Empire of Alexander the Great had broken apart into four or five separate parts. This can be read in the Old Testament books of Daniel (later half), and 1st and 2nd Maccabees. The greater of these was the Ptolemy Empire in Egypt and the Seleucid Empire in Syria. The Seleucids had conquered much of Israel and Judah. They were forcing their pagan Greek culture on the Jewish people, requiring sacrifice to Zeus Olympus, the eating of pork, the foregoing or reversal of circumcision, and all that the Mosaic Law required. This was not, however, simply a matter of clashing cultures between so-called enlightened Greeks and Jewish religious zealots. The Seleucids were cruel and abusive people. For example, when Jewish mothers had their male babies circumcised, the Seleucids would murder the infant, and with rope tie the dead infant around the mother's neck, strangulating her to death. Additional examples include where 2nd Maccabees records that the Greek pagans beat to death a scribe of old age, Eleazar, for refusing to eat pork, and burned alive a mother and her seven sons also for refusing to eat pork (the Mosaic Law forbade the consumption of pork because swine were regarded as unclean animals).
A man by the name of Matthias and his sons then rose up to challenge the Seleucid overlords. When he died he had placed his son Judas Maccabeus in charge of the freedom fighters. There were many battles where the Jewish contingent was outnumbered, but God always gave them the victory over the pagan Greeks. In the battle of 1st Maccabees chapter 4 Judas and his followers defeated Lysias, one the Generals of evil Seleucid Emperor Antiochus IV Epiphanes. After Lysias retreated to Antioch, Judas and his contingent went to restore the violated Temple in Jerusalem where the Seleucid Emperor had sacrificed to Zeus Olympus a swine on the altar in the Holy of Holies. Our Jewish heroes thus found devastation and ruin everywhere. But while they had rent their clothes and pleaded for God's mercy and forgiveness, they persevered in restoring the Temple, and made a rededication. They found according to the Babylonian Talmudic a jar of oil for fueling a lit Menorah that had not been made unclean by the pagans. But the amount of oil was only sufficient for one day. Yet when used the Menorah continued burning for a full eight days. Thus, starting on 25 Chislev (approxinately 25 December, though the Jewish date varies with the Jewish calendar that is based on the lunar vice solar cycle), the Feast of Dedication was instituted for eight days in perpetuity to commemorate the restoration of the Temple from the pagans. This was the same feast for which Jesus in John 10:22 had returned to Jerusalem almost two centuries later.
Now some things are important here. The Temple was restored from pagan uncleanliness to holiness on or about 25 December. In the same way the Christ child came into the world to restore mankind from uncleanliness to holiness on 25 December (at least that's when we celebrate his birth, though the actual birth date is likely in springtime). It was the Temple of the Most High God which was cleaned out and rededicated, and St Paul in the New Testament calls our bodies the Temple of the Holy Spirit which we likewise are to keep clean and un-defiled. The celebration that the Jews made at the rededication of the Temple was much like the celebration that they would make much later when Christ Himself would come riding on an ass into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday. And the oil that did not run out for eight days at the first Hanukkah is reminiscent of the Holy Spirit whom we receive at the Sacrament of Confirmation by anointing with oil, and who heals us on the anointing of oil at the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick.
There are many allusions to Christ in the Old Testament. This is but one example. Here an ostensible Jewish Holy Day celebrated in parallel with the Christian Christmas point to that very event of the birth of the Christ child. Unfortunately, the Books of the Bible which talk about this particular Holy Day are missing from the Protestant Bible because in their rebellion against the Church in the 16th century AD, Martin Luther and John Calvin removed them on their own recognizance.
This year the Feast of the Dedication of the Temple in Jerusalem runs from Sunset, 6 December to nightfall, 14 December during the Christian Advent Season. Its Biblical basis may be found at the following:
1st Maccabees 4:36-61
2nd Maccabees 10:1-9
John 10:22
The short story is this. Centuries before Christ's birth the Empire of Alexander the Great had broken apart into four or five separate parts. This can be read in the Old Testament books of Daniel (later half), and 1st and 2nd Maccabees. The greater of these was the Ptolemy Empire in Egypt and the Seleucid Empire in Syria. The Seleucids had conquered much of Israel and Judah. They were forcing their pagan Greek culture on the Jewish people, requiring sacrifice to Zeus Olympus, the eating of pork, the foregoing or reversal of circumcision, and all that the Mosaic Law required. This was not, however, simply a matter of clashing cultures between so-called enlightened Greeks and Jewish religious zealots. The Seleucids were cruel and abusive people. For example, when Jewish mothers had their male babies circumcised, the Seleucids would murder the infant, and with rope tie the dead infant around the mother's neck, strangulating her to death. Additional examples include where 2nd Maccabees records that the Greek pagans beat to death a scribe of old age, Eleazar, for refusing to eat pork, and burned alive a mother and her seven sons also for refusing to eat pork (the Mosaic Law forbade the consumption of pork because swine were regarded as unclean animals).
A man by the name of Matthias and his sons then rose up to challenge the Seleucid overlords. When he died he had placed his son Judas Maccabeus in charge of the freedom fighters. There were many battles where the Jewish contingent was outnumbered, but God always gave them the victory over the pagan Greeks. In the battle of 1st Maccabees chapter 4 Judas and his followers defeated Lysias, one the Generals of evil Seleucid Emperor Antiochus IV Epiphanes. After Lysias retreated to Antioch, Judas and his contingent went to restore the violated Temple in Jerusalem where the Seleucid Emperor had sacrificed to Zeus Olympus a swine on the altar in the Holy of Holies. Our Jewish heroes thus found devastation and ruin everywhere. But while they had rent their clothes and pleaded for God's mercy and forgiveness, they persevered in restoring the Temple, and made a rededication. They found according to the Babylonian Talmudic a jar of oil for fueling a lit Menorah that had not been made unclean by the pagans. But the amount of oil was only sufficient for one day. Yet when used the Menorah continued burning for a full eight days. Thus, starting on 25 Chislev (approxinately 25 December, though the Jewish date varies with the Jewish calendar that is based on the lunar vice solar cycle), the Feast of Dedication was instituted for eight days in perpetuity to commemorate the restoration of the Temple from the pagans. This was the same feast for which Jesus in John 10:22 had returned to Jerusalem almost two centuries later.
Now some things are important here. The Temple was restored from pagan uncleanliness to holiness on or about 25 December. In the same way the Christ child came into the world to restore mankind from uncleanliness to holiness on 25 December (at least that's when we celebrate his birth, though the actual birth date is likely in springtime). It was the Temple of the Most High God which was cleaned out and rededicated, and St Paul in the New Testament calls our bodies the Temple of the Holy Spirit which we likewise are to keep clean and un-defiled. The celebration that the Jews made at the rededication of the Temple was much like the celebration that they would make much later when Christ Himself would come riding on an ass into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday. And the oil that did not run out for eight days at the first Hanukkah is reminiscent of the Holy Spirit whom we receive at the Sacrament of Confirmation by anointing with oil, and who heals us on the anointing of oil at the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick.
There are many allusions to Christ in the Old Testament. This is but one example. Here an ostensible Jewish Holy Day celebrated in parallel with the Christian Christmas point to that very event of the birth of the Christ child. Unfortunately, the Books of the Bible which talk about this particular Holy Day are missing from the Protestant Bible because in their rebellion against the Church in the 16th century AD, Martin Luther and John Calvin removed them on their own recognizance.
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Hanukkah Menorah |
Friday, December 11, 2015
Epistula Aperta Papae Francisco
Amici, Romani, Compatriotae,
The Remnant Newspaper has published the following in the wake of the continued heretical statements and practices of the current Roman Pontiff, not the least of which was the recent pagan environmentalist light show displayed on St. Peter's Basilica:
The Year of Mercy Begins: An Open Letter to Pope Francis
Please sign the petition presented within the letter. Yes, we should pray for the Roman Pontiff to repent. But we must have our eyes wide open. The open letter linked above describes well who and what the current occupier of the Seat of St. Peter really is. No more need be said here.
The Remnant Newspaper has published the following in the wake of the continued heretical statements and practices of the current Roman Pontiff, not the least of which was the recent pagan environmentalist light show displayed on St. Peter's Basilica:
The Year of Mercy Begins: An Open Letter to Pope Francis
Please sign the petition presented within the letter. Yes, we should pray for the Roman Pontiff to repent. But we must have our eyes wide open. The open letter linked above describes well who and what the current occupier of the Seat of St. Peter really is. No more need be said here.
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The Argentinian |
Sunday, December 6, 2015
Prophetia Adventiciae Infantis Christi a Pagano Poeta Romano Publio Virgilio Marone
Amici, Romani, Compatriotae,
The pagan Roman Poet Publius Virgilius Maro who lived from 70 to 19 BC recorded a prophecy of the coming of the Christ Child in his Fourth Eclogue. Details are given in Christ the Greatest Black Swan: The Unexpected Expected Messiah at The American Catholic blog.
The original text is provided below:
The pagan Roman Poet Publius Virgilius Maro who lived from 70 to 19 BC recorded a prophecy of the coming of the Christ Child in his Fourth Eclogue. Details are given in Christ the Greatest Black Swan: The Unexpected Expected Messiah at The American Catholic blog.
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Publius Virgilius Maro Poeta Romano |
Sicelides Musae, paulo maiora canamus.
non omnis arbusta iuvant humilesque myricae;
si canimus silvas, silvae sint consule dignae.
Ultima Cumaei venit iam carminis aetas;
magnus ab integro saeclorum nascitur ordo. 5
iam redit et Virgo, redeunt Saturnia regna,
iam nova progenies caelo demittitur alto.
tu modo nascenti puero, quo ferrea primum
desinet ac toto surget gens aurea mundo,
casta fave Lucina; tuus iam regnat Apollo. 10
Teque adeo decus hoc aevi, te consule, inibit,
Pollio, et incipient magni procedere menses;
te duce, si qua manent sceleris vestigia nostri,
inrita perpetua solvent formidine terras.
ille deum vitam accipiet divisque videbit 15
permixtos heroas et ipse videbitur illis
pacatumque reget patriis virtutibus orbem.
At tibi prima, puer, nullo munuscula cultu
errantis hederas passim cum baccare tellus
mixtaque ridenti colocasia fundet acantho. 20
ipsae lacte domum referent distenta capellae
ubera nec magnos metuent armenta leones;
ipsa tibi blandos fundent cunabula flores.
occidet et serpens et fallax herba veneni
occidet; Assyrium vulgo nascetur amomum. 25
At simul heroum laudes et facta parentis
iam legere et quae sit poteris cognoscere virtus,
molli paulatim flavescet campus arista
incultisque rubens pendebit sentibus uva
et durae quercus sudabunt roscida mella. 30
Pauca tamen suberunt priscae vestigia fraudis,
quae temptare Thetin ratibus, quae cingere muris
oppida, quae iubeant telluri infindere sulcos.
alter erit tum Tiphys et altera quae vehat Argo
delectos heroas; erunt etiam altera bella 35
atque iterum ad Troiam magnus mittetur Achilles.
Hinc, ubi iam firmata virum te fecerit aetas,
cedet et ipse mari vector nec nautica pinus
mutabit merces; omnis feret omnia tellus.
non rastros patietur humus, non vinea falcem, 40
robustus quoque iam tauris iuga solvet arator;
nec varios discet mentiri lana colores,
ipse sed in pratis aries iam suave rubenti
murice, iam croceo mutabit vellera luto,
sponte sua sandyx pascentis vestiet agnos. 45
'Talia saecla' suis dixerunt 'currite' fusis
concordes stabili fatorum numine Parcae.
Adgredere o magnos—aderit iam tempus—honores,
cara deum suboles, magnum Iovis incrementum.
aspice convexo nutantem pondere mundum, 50
terrasque tractusque maris caelumque profundum;
aspice, venturo laetantur ut omnia saeclo.
O mihi tum longae maneat pars ultima vitae,
spiritus et quantum sat erit tua dicere facta:
non me carminibus vincat nec Thracius Orpheus 55
nec Linus, huic mater quamvis atque huic pater adsit,
Orphei Calliopea, Lino formosus Apollo.
Pan etiam, Arcadia mecum si iudice certet,
Pan etiam Arcadia dicat se iudice victum.
Incipe, parve puer, risu cognoscere matrem; 60
matri longa decem tulerunt fastidia menses.
incipe, parve puer. qui non risere parenti,
nec deus hunc mensa dea nec dignata cubili est.
Wednesday, December 2, 2015
Cecile Richards Est Carnifex - Infantaria
Amici, Romani, Compatriotae,
The Conservative News Service (CNS) has a most appropriate article entitled, "When Pro-Abortion Mantras Trump Facts." It reports that the head of Planned Parenthood - Cecile Richards - was decrying the incendiary rhetoric of the pro-life movement against the infanticide of the unborn as the causative factor in Robert Lewis Dear's terrorist rampage of blood shed at an abortuary that her organizations operates in Colorado Springs, Colorado. This woman has heard nothing yet of incendiary rhetoric for God remains to speak - "Depart from me, ye worker of iniquity; I never knew you."
Let us however be very clear. What Mr. Dear did this past weekend was the act of an insane lunatic who should be incarcerated for the remainder of his life in order to protect society. None of us is God, and as such none of us has any moral right to take the law into our own hands. No one outside of what God has appointed (see Romans 13:1-7) has any authority to initiate violence against Cecile Richards or any other person within Planned Parenthood. Doing so makes the person who commits the violent act as bad as those against whom he is committing the act. A second immoral act cannot correct the first immoral act. Therefore, this is an advocacy for sanity in judgment.
But with that said, long before Mr. Dear began his bloody rampage with neither motive nor goal, Cecile Richards was already butchering unborn babies, dismembering them to sell their internal organs to the highest bidder. The ancient Romans had a word for the kind of person this woman is: infantaria which means murderess of infants. The Nazis who before and during Word War II did to non-Aryan babies (e.g., Slavic and Jewish) what Cecile Richards now does every day of the week with not just impunity but praise from the President of the United States were brought to trial at Nuremberg for crimes against humanity, and upon finding of blood-guiltiness, were hung by their necks till they were dead. But a duly appointed court made this determination, NOT a vigilante.
It is morally inconceivable that today some 70 years later equally wicked women and men like Cecile Richards are not just protected against punishment, but glorified and lauded by the man who sits in the highest office of the nation. God is NOT a disinterested spectator in the events of human activities. He will one day show His mercy for the unborn and it will likely become His eternal justice rained on the rest of us.
The Prophet Elijah warned wicked Queen Jezebel that she would be eaten by dogs for murdering Naboth the Jezreelite. And King Manasseh of Judah who made his children to walk in fire as sacrifice to Moloch fell under the Divine eye as God sent King Sennacherib of Assyria to take him away into captivity in a dungeon for 12 long years for his crimes against humanity. God being the same yesterday, today and forever, will do it again. God's mercy is God's justice, and we having abdicated our responsibility and having evaded our accountability are now likely to receive His mercy as justice.
The Conservative News Service (CNS) has a most appropriate article entitled, "When Pro-Abortion Mantras Trump Facts." It reports that the head of Planned Parenthood - Cecile Richards - was decrying the incendiary rhetoric of the pro-life movement against the infanticide of the unborn as the causative factor in Robert Lewis Dear's terrorist rampage of blood shed at an abortuary that her organizations operates in Colorado Springs, Colorado. This woman has heard nothing yet of incendiary rhetoric for God remains to speak - "Depart from me, ye worker of iniquity; I never knew you."
Cecile Richards - Infantaria |
But with that said, long before Mr. Dear began his bloody rampage with neither motive nor goal, Cecile Richards was already butchering unborn babies, dismembering them to sell their internal organs to the highest bidder. The ancient Romans had a word for the kind of person this woman is: infantaria which means murderess of infants. The Nazis who before and during Word War II did to non-Aryan babies (e.g., Slavic and Jewish) what Cecile Richards now does every day of the week with not just impunity but praise from the President of the United States were brought to trial at Nuremberg for crimes against humanity, and upon finding of blood-guiltiness, were hung by their necks till they were dead. But a duly appointed court made this determination, NOT a vigilante.
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Executed Nazi Leaders |
The Prophet Elijah warned wicked Queen Jezebel that she would be eaten by dogs for murdering Naboth the Jezreelite. And King Manasseh of Judah who made his children to walk in fire as sacrifice to Moloch fell under the Divine eye as God sent King Sennacherib of Assyria to take him away into captivity in a dungeon for 12 long years for his crimes against humanity. God being the same yesterday, today and forever, will do it again. God's mercy is God's justice, and we having abdicated our responsibility and having evaded our accountability are now likely to receive His mercy as justice.
Sunday, November 29, 2015
Robert Lewis Dear - Responsum Sanum Terrorismo contra Natem Consultum
Amici, Romani, Compatriotae,
Regarding the attack of the terrorist Robert Lewis Dear at a Planned Parenthood abortuary in Colorado this weekend, we must have a reasoned response that embraces victims but condemns moral evil. However, the popular liberal progressive main stream news media is reporting "GOP Silent on Attacks." This is unfortunate and ill-advised.
When men and women murder the unborn babies whom they have willfully conceived by engaging in sexual intercourse, with the subsequent sale of these babies' internal organs to the highest bidder (as video after video demonstrates Planned Parenthood does), then they can and should expect outrageous acts of violence against themselves. That said, there is no justification for vigilantism. Rather, what is being said is very simple to comprehend: the evil of infanticide attracts other equally murderous evil by its very abhorrent nature. What the terrorist Robert Lewis Dear did was every bit as murderous as what Planned Parenthood itself routinely does to thousands of babies every day. Indeed, the evil that is terrorism (whether domestic from insane lunatics or Islamic) is the evil that is infanticide perpetrated by Planned Parenthood. The right thing to do is to pray for an end to abortion, to peacefully protest, to change our laws sanely and soberly, and to put the executives of Planned Parenthood on trial for crimes against humanity just as was done to their forefathers of the National Socialist German Workers Party (Nazi) at Nuremberg after WW II. And as for this terrorist, he too should be placed on trial for taking the law into his own hands.
We must remember that Planned Parenthood was started by Caucasian eugenicist Margaret Sanger who allied herself with the racist Ku Klux Klan, and who advocated the use of sterilization and abortion to exterminate blacks, Jews and Latins. It is therefore no wonder that there are more Planned Parenthood abortuaries among minority populations, and no wonder that the incidence of abortion among minorities is higher on a percentage basis than that of Caucasian populations. This evil attracts other evil.
Our abhorrence for what Robert Lewis Dear did in Colorado, and our grief for the police officer Garrett Swasey (who was Christian pro-life) and the two civilians whom this terrorist unjustly murdered must NOT cloud our eyes to the evil which Planned Parenthood does every single day of the year. The Republican candidates for Presidency should have zero discomfort in declaring the truth: murder everywhere is evil most foul, whether committed by a deranged and insane lunatic like Mr. Dear, or by the open-eyed and sane profit-hungry corporate executives in Planned Parenthood. Both merit trial by a jury of their peers, and when found guilty, both merit punishment determined by jury and judge. That punishment may be permanent incarceration till natural death or hanging by the neck till they meet God Almighty in final judgment, but it is NOT for you or me to determine, otherwise we become as evil as these people are. Truly what substantive difference is there for both evils are blood-thristy:
Regarding the attack of the terrorist Robert Lewis Dear at a Planned Parenthood abortuary in Colorado this weekend, we must have a reasoned response that embraces victims but condemns moral evil. However, the popular liberal progressive main stream news media is reporting "GOP Silent on Attacks." This is unfortunate and ill-advised.
When men and women murder the unborn babies whom they have willfully conceived by engaging in sexual intercourse, with the subsequent sale of these babies' internal organs to the highest bidder (as video after video demonstrates Planned Parenthood does), then they can and should expect outrageous acts of violence against themselves. That said, there is no justification for vigilantism. Rather, what is being said is very simple to comprehend: the evil of infanticide attracts other equally murderous evil by its very abhorrent nature. What the terrorist Robert Lewis Dear did was every bit as murderous as what Planned Parenthood itself routinely does to thousands of babies every day. Indeed, the evil that is terrorism (whether domestic from insane lunatics or Islamic) is the evil that is infanticide perpetrated by Planned Parenthood. The right thing to do is to pray for an end to abortion, to peacefully protest, to change our laws sanely and soberly, and to put the executives of Planned Parenthood on trial for crimes against humanity just as was done to their forefathers of the National Socialist German Workers Party (Nazi) at Nuremberg after WW II. And as for this terrorist, he too should be placed on trial for taking the law into his own hands.
We must remember that Planned Parenthood was started by Caucasian eugenicist Margaret Sanger who allied herself with the racist Ku Klux Klan, and who advocated the use of sterilization and abortion to exterminate blacks, Jews and Latins. It is therefore no wonder that there are more Planned Parenthood abortuaries among minority populations, and no wonder that the incidence of abortion among minorities is higher on a percentage basis than that of Caucasian populations. This evil attracts other evil.
Our abhorrence for what Robert Lewis Dear did in Colorado, and our grief for the police officer Garrett Swasey (who was Christian pro-life) and the two civilians whom this terrorist unjustly murdered must NOT cloud our eyes to the evil which Planned Parenthood does every single day of the year. The Republican candidates for Presidency should have zero discomfort in declaring the truth: murder everywhere is evil most foul, whether committed by a deranged and insane lunatic like Mr. Dear, or by the open-eyed and sane profit-hungry corporate executives in Planned Parenthood. Both merit trial by a jury of their peers, and when found guilty, both merit punishment determined by jury and judge. That punishment may be permanent incarceration till natural death or hanging by the neck till they meet God Almighty in final judgment, but it is NOT for you or me to determine, otherwise we become as evil as these people are. Truly what substantive difference is there for both evils are blood-thristy:
Cecil Richards Sane, Profit Hungry Evil |
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Robert Lewis Dear Insane, Terrorist Evil |
Saturday, November 28, 2015
Lex Iniusta - Marco Rubio de Lege Dei
Amici, Romani, Compatriotae,
Martin Luther King Jr., breaking out the St. Augustine and St. Thomas Aquinas - who knew?
Marco Rubio Says to Ignore SCOTUS Decision
Martin Luther King Jr., breaking out the St. Augustine and St. Thomas Aquinas - who knew?
“One may well ask, ‘How can you advocate breaking some laws and obeying others?’” King continued. “The answer is found in the fact that there are two types of laws: There are just laws and there are unjust laws. I would be the first to advocate obeying just laws. One has not only a legal but a moral responsibility to obey just laws. Conversely, one has a moral responsibility to disobey unjust laws. I would agree with St. Augustine that ‘an unjust law is no law at all.’
“Now, what is the difference between the two?” wrote King. “How does one determine when a law is just or unjust? A just law is a man-made code that squares with the moral law or the law of God. An unjust law is a code that is out of harmony with the moral law. To put it in the terms of St. Thomas Aquinas, an unjust law is a human law that is not rooted in eternal law and natural law.”
Marco Rubio Says to Ignore SCOTUS Decision
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Marco Rubio Candidatus Republicanus pro Munere Praesidentiae |
Denuntiator Occisus a Terrorista in Colorado Erat pro Vita
Amici, Romani, Compatriotae,
Officer Killed During Shooting at Planned Parenthood Was Pro-Life, Co-Pastor at His Church
Garrett Swasey, Officer Killed in Colorado, Is Recalled for Courage and Faith
Officer Killed During Shooting at Planned Parenthood Was Pro-Life, Co-Pastor at His Church
Garrett Swasey, Officer Killed in Colorado, Is Recalled for Courage and Faith
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Denuntiator Garrett Swasey Martyr Requiescat in Pace et Caritate Nostri Domini et Salvatoris Iesus Christi |
Friday, November 27, 2015
Terrorista in Colorado
Amici, Romani, Compatriotae,
The news media is awash in reports about a gunman having fired shots and injured people at a Planned Parenthood abortuary in Colorado Springs, Colorado:
We know neither name of perpetrator nor motive. Therefore, assertions that this person attacked because he is anti-abortion or has an animus against Planned Parenthood are pre-mature at best and currently unfounded. However, what we do know is this: Planned Parenthood murders unborn babies daily, and then sells their internal organs on the open market:
10th Video Catches Planned Parenthood: We Sell “Fresh” Aborted Baby Eyes, Hearts and “Gonads”
Now it is very important to be precise. No one has any right to act as vigilante and attack Planned Parenthood abortuaries, shooting and killing people. The correct response to the evil that is Planned Parenthood is peaceful protest outside their facilities, in which I have before participated. We prayed the Rosary and silently walked back and forth on the side walk, carrying our pro-life signs. Our priest acting as leader would always instruct us to never approach anyone going into or coming out of the facility, and to always act in silent prayerful, peaceful meditation. Anything more than that was strictly forbidden.
That said, one day I hope and pray that our legal system regains its sanity, and institutes processes and procedures to place on criminal trial baby murderers, who once convicted by a jury of their peers should receive as their just punishment the fate which their Nazi forbearers at Nuremburg received before them. But that should be done in and through a sane and civilized legal system. Vigilantism is wrong.
Nevertheless, once again, we do NOT know the motives of the person who attacked in Colorado. We have ZERO evidence at this time that it was vigilantism.
Now it is very important to be precise. No one has any right to act as vigilante and attack Planned Parenthood abortuaries, shooting and killing people. The correct response to the evil that is Planned Parenthood is peaceful protest outside their facilities, in which I have before participated. We prayed the Rosary and silently walked back and forth on the side walk, carrying our pro-life signs. Our priest acting as leader would always instruct us to never approach anyone going into or coming out of the facility, and to always act in silent prayerful, peaceful meditation. Anything more than that was strictly forbidden.
That said, one day I hope and pray that our legal system regains its sanity, and institutes processes and procedures to place on criminal trial baby murderers, who once convicted by a jury of their peers should receive as their just punishment the fate which their Nazi forbearers at Nuremburg received before them. But that should be done in and through a sane and civilized legal system. Vigilantism is wrong.
Nevertheless, once again, we do NOT know the motives of the person who attacked in Colorado. We have ZERO evidence at this time that it was vigilantism.
Thursday, November 26, 2015
Gubernatores Russiani Christiani Erant
Amici, Romani, Compatriotae,
Regardless of whether the recent flights of Russian jets violated Turkish airspace by less than 5 miles or not (something Turkish jets routinely do with impunity over Greek airspace), photographs of the belongings recovered from the murdered pilots of those jets reveal that they were Christian, as the one provided below shows. This was obtained from an article at the UK's Daily Mail. Clearly visible is a Cross or Crucifix (it appears shown from the back side) and an upside down small icon of the Blessed Virgin Mary with baby Jesus on a black rope.
What we know for certain is that Barack Hussein Obama as a liberal progressive Democrat ingratiates himself with Muslims, advocates the infanticide of the unborn and sanctifies the putrid filth of sterile sexual perversion, whereas Vladimir Putin for all his obvious and deplorable faults in having annexed the Crimea and having invaded Ukraine yet openly defends Christian Orthodoxy in the Middle East and basic Christian sexual morality at home and abroad. So the question is this: do we side with Muslim Turks and liberal progressive President Obama, or with the Christians? Sometimes the question really has to be that simple in order to elicit the only logical and correct answer. And pray for the repose of the souls of the pilots whom the Muslims murdered, and for the consolation of their families.
Regardless of whether the recent flights of Russian jets violated Turkish airspace by less than 5 miles or not (something Turkish jets routinely do with impunity over Greek airspace), photographs of the belongings recovered from the murdered pilots of those jets reveal that they were Christian, as the one provided below shows. This was obtained from an article at the UK's Daily Mail. Clearly visible is a Cross or Crucifix (it appears shown from the back side) and an upside down small icon of the Blessed Virgin Mary with baby Jesus on a black rope.
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Russian Pilot's Christian Artifacts |
What we know for certain is that Barack Hussein Obama as a liberal progressive Democrat ingratiates himself with Muslims, advocates the infanticide of the unborn and sanctifies the putrid filth of sterile sexual perversion, whereas Vladimir Putin for all his obvious and deplorable faults in having annexed the Crimea and having invaded Ukraine yet openly defends Christian Orthodoxy in the Middle East and basic Christian sexual morality at home and abroad. So the question is this: do we side with Muslim Turks and liberal progressive President Obama, or with the Christians? Sometimes the question really has to be that simple in order to elicit the only logical and correct answer. And pray for the repose of the souls of the pilots whom the Muslims murdered, and for the consolation of their families.
Affatus Praefeci Reagan in Die Eucharistiae Anno Domini MCMLXXXV
Amici, Romani, Compatriotae,
President Reagan's Address on Thanksgiving Day in the Year of the Lord 1985:
President Reagan's Address on Thanksgiving Day in the Year of the Lord 1985:
Ambulatio Hodierna in Silva aput Caryon Fluentum
Tuesday, November 24, 2015
Anates et Anseres aput Aream Hodie
Amici, Romani, Compatriotae,
Ducks and geese at the park where I went for a walk at lunchtime today.
Sunday, November 22, 2015
Commemoratio Hodierna - Centrum Liberalismi - Philosophia Liberi Fermentati Mucidi
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Patrick Jake O'Rourke Cato Institute |
Today's daily thought comes from P. J. O'Rourke:
"At the core of liberalism is the spoiled child — miserable, as all spoiled children are, unsatisfied, demanding, ill-disciplined, despotic and useless. Liberalism is a philosophy of sniveling brats."
I can think of no better description of the liberal progressive riff raff whom Rod Adams attracts to his blog, Atomic Insights.
Verbis Falsis a Rod Adams aput Acuitates Atomicas
Amici, Romani, Compatriotae,
Once again Rod Adams, the blogmagister at Atomic Insights, disseminates propaganda instead of facts. In the post entitled, "Nuclear Innovation Alliance formally launched," he states in part:
"Some observers have sounded almost jealous of the apparent successes of countries like China, Russia and South Korea in nuclear technology because they have autocratic governments that can decide to invest in deployment without much public opposition. Though I don’t believe that the free market can solve all problems, I’m also not willing to be a subject of an autocratic regime."
First, South Korea does NOT have an autocratic government, unlike communist North Korea. The South Korean government is a Republic with the typical three branches of Legislative, Executive and Judiciary. It holds free elections. It has free enterprise economy. It has freedom of religion and of speech.
Second, of course the free market cannot solve all problems, but unlike socialist economies, the free market creates far fewer problems. Indeed, under the free market a man is entitled to keep as his own possession what he honestly earns by his own labors whereas in a socialist economy what a man honestly earns is stolen from him by the government for redistribution to those who refuse to earn. Invariably it is politicians who do the redistribution with the same cry as Judas Iscariot in twelfth chapter of the Gospel of St John, "This oil could have been sold and the proceeds used for the poor." But the Gospel writer reminds us that he said this not because he cared for the poor but because he carried the money purse and would steal therefrom. That is precisely like every liberal progressive politician in whom Rod Adams would have us place our trust.
Third, while Rod Adams asserts that he is unwilling to be the subject of an autocratic regime, he has proudly stated elsewhere that he voted for Barack Hussein Obama as President twice. Apparently to Rod Adams, what President Obama and liberal progressive Democrats in general do is not autocratic:
Once again Rod Adams, the blogmagister at Atomic Insights, disseminates propaganda instead of facts. In the post entitled, "Nuclear Innovation Alliance formally launched," he states in part:
"Some observers have sounded almost jealous of the apparent successes of countries like China, Russia and South Korea in nuclear technology because they have autocratic governments that can decide to invest in deployment without much public opposition. Though I don’t believe that the free market can solve all problems, I’m also not willing to be a subject of an autocratic regime."
First, South Korea does NOT have an autocratic government, unlike communist North Korea. The South Korean government is a Republic with the typical three branches of Legislative, Executive and Judiciary. It holds free elections. It has free enterprise economy. It has freedom of religion and of speech.
Second, of course the free market cannot solve all problems, but unlike socialist economies, the free market creates far fewer problems. Indeed, under the free market a man is entitled to keep as his own possession what he honestly earns by his own labors whereas in a socialist economy what a man honestly earns is stolen from him by the government for redistribution to those who refuse to earn. Invariably it is politicians who do the redistribution with the same cry as Judas Iscariot in twelfth chapter of the Gospel of St John, "This oil could have been sold and the proceeds used for the poor." But the Gospel writer reminds us that he said this not because he cared for the poor but because he carried the money purse and would steal therefrom. That is precisely like every liberal progressive politician in whom Rod Adams would have us place our trust.
Third, while Rod Adams asserts that he is unwilling to be the subject of an autocratic regime, he has proudly stated elsewhere that he voted for Barack Hussein Obama as President twice. Apparently to Rod Adams, what President Obama and liberal progressive Democrats in general do is not autocratic:
- Force religious organizations to embrace the contraceptive mandate contrary to their conscience.
- Violate the Constitution with executive order after executive order
- Force on the nation the normalization of the sickening perversion of sodomy and lesbianism
- Finance Planned Parenthood's infanticide of the unborn and the sale of the internal organs of babies on the open market
- Compel public schools to permit sexually disturbed boys to use the girls' locker room under the pretext of equal opportunity for transgender sexual perverts.
People like this cannot be trusted with the power of the atom. They are as evil and as dangerous as Al Qaeda, Hamas and ISIS. What they do is what their Nazi forbearers did before them, and for such crimes against humanity those Nazis were tried in court at Nuremberg, and when found guilty were justly condemned to the fate that all wicked men merit.
Wednesday, November 18, 2015
Famulamen Ducati
Amici, Romani, Compatriotae,
My sister posted the following video on her Facebook timeline. One statement in this video is noteworthy:
"When you gain their trust, these ponies look to you for leadership. When they look to you for leadership, you cannot fail them. You stop worrying about yourself."
I have never heard the servanthood of leadership (famulamen ducati in lingua Latina) ever explained so well. There is a reason why Christ rode an ass into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday. And there is a reason why God spoke to Balaam through a donkey.
My sister posted the following video on her Facebook timeline. One statement in this video is noteworthy:
"When you gain their trust, these ponies look to you for leadership. When they look to you for leadership, you cannot fail them. You stop worrying about yourself."
I have never heard the servanthood of leadership (famulamen ducati in lingua Latina) ever explained so well. There is a reason why Christ rode an ass into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday. And there is a reason why God spoke to Balaam through a donkey.
Monday, November 16, 2015
Responsum Praefeci Obamae Impetis Islamicis in Lutetia, Gallia
Amici, Romani, Compatriotae,
The response of President Barack Hussein Obama to the recent Muslim terrorist attacks in Paris, France is frankly beyond belief. He is the epitome of effeminate, weak-kneed, yellow-bellied, cowardly liberal progressivism that typifies the Democratic Party in the United States.
There is however only one proper response to Islam, but a decadent secular humanist politician is incapable of such a response:
The response of President Barack Hussein Obama to the recent Muslim terrorist attacks in Paris, France is frankly beyond belief. He is the epitome of effeminate, weak-kneed, yellow-bellied, cowardly liberal progressivism that typifies the Democratic Party in the United States.
There is however only one proper response to Islam, but a decadent secular humanist politician is incapable of such a response:
Sunday, November 15, 2015
Bellum in Syria
Amici, Romani, Compatriotae,
The following video from Vox describes well the anarchy that is the current civil war in Syria from which the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) arose. This war has killed at least 250,000 people and displaced 12 million. To understand how Syria got to this place, it helps to start at the beginning:
Syria's war: A 5-minute history
The following video from Vox describes well the anarchy that is the current civil war in Syria from which the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) arose. This war has killed at least 250,000 people and displaced 12 million. To understand how Syria got to this place, it helps to start at the beginning:
Syria's war: A 5-minute history
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Political Map of Syria |
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