Sunday, November 22, 2015

Verbis Falsis a Rod Adams aput Acuitates Atomicas

Amici, Romani, Compatriotae,

Once again Rod Adams, the blogmagister at Atomic Insights, disseminates propaganda instead of facts. In the post entitled, "Nuclear Innovation Alliance formally launched," he states in part:

"Some observers have sounded almost jealous of the apparent successes of countries like China, Russia and South Korea in nuclear technology because they have autocratic governments that can decide to invest in deployment without much public opposition. Though I don’t believe that the free market can solve all problems, I’m also not willing to be a subject of an autocratic regime."

First, South Korea does NOT have an autocratic government, unlike communist North Korea. The South Korean government is a Republic with the typical three branches of Legislative, Executive and Judiciary. It holds free elections. It has free enterprise economy. It has freedom of religion and of speech.

Second, of course the free market cannot solve all problems, but unlike socialist economies, the free market creates far fewer problems. Indeed, under the free market a man is entitled to keep as his own possession what he honestly earns by his own labors whereas in a socialist economy what a man honestly earns is stolen from him by the government for redistribution to those who refuse to earn. Invariably it is politicians who do the redistribution with the same cry as Judas Iscariot in twelfth chapter of the Gospel of St John, "This oil could have been sold and the proceeds used for the poor." But the Gospel writer reminds us that he said this not because he cared for the poor but because he carried the money purse and would steal therefrom. That is precisely like every liberal progressive politician in whom Rod Adams would have us place our trust.

Third, while Rod Adams asserts that he is unwilling to be the subject of an autocratic regime, he has proudly stated elsewhere that he voted for Barack Hussein Obama as President twice. Apparently to Rod Adams, what President Obama and liberal progressive Democrats in general do is not autocratic:

  • Force religious organizations to embrace the contraceptive mandate contrary to their conscience.
  • Violate the Constitution with executive order after executive order
  • Force on the nation the normalization of the sickening perversion of sodomy and lesbianism
  • Finance Planned Parenthood's infanticide of the unborn and the sale of the internal organs of babies on the open market
  • Compel public schools to permit sexually disturbed boys to use the girls' locker room under the pretext of equal opportunity for transgender sexual perverts.

People like this cannot be trusted with the power of the atom. They are as evil and as dangerous as Al Qaeda, Hamas and ISIS. What they do is what their Nazi forbearers did before them, and for such crimes against humanity those Nazis were tried in court at Nuremberg, and when found guilty were justly condemned to the fate that all wicked men merit.

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