Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Cecile Richards Est Carnifex - Infantaria

Amici, Romani, Compatriotae,

The Conservative News Service (CNS) has a most appropriate article entitled, "When Pro-Abortion Mantras Trump Facts." It reports that the head of Planned Parenthood - Cecile Richards - was decrying the incendiary rhetoric of the pro-life movement against the infanticide of the unborn as the causative factor in Robert Lewis Dear's terrorist rampage of blood shed at an abortuary that her organizations operates in Colorado Springs, Colorado. This woman has heard nothing yet of incendiary rhetoric for God remains to speak - "Depart from me, ye worker of iniquity; I never knew you."

Cecile Richards - Infantaria
Let us however be very clear. What Mr. Dear did this past weekend was the act of an insane lunatic who should be incarcerated for the remainder of his life in order to protect society. None of us is God, and as such none of us has any moral right to take the law into our own hands. No one outside of what God has appointed (see Romans 13:1-7) has any authority to initiate violence against Cecile Richards or any other person within Planned Parenthood. Doing so makes the person who commits the violent act as bad as those against whom he is committing the act. A second immoral act cannot correct the first immoral act. Therefore, this is an advocacy for sanity in judgment.

But with that said, long before Mr. Dear began his bloody rampage with neither motive nor goal, Cecile Richards was already butchering unborn babies, dismembering them to sell their internal organs to the highest bidder. The ancient Romans had a word for the kind of person this woman is: infantaria which means murderess of infants. The Nazis who before and during Word War II did to non-Aryan babies (e.g., Slavic and Jewish) what Cecile Richards now does every day of the week with not just impunity but praise from the President of the United States were brought to trial at Nuremberg for crimes against humanity, and upon finding of blood-guiltiness, were hung by their necks till they were dead. But a duly appointed court made this determination, NOT a vigilante.

Executed Nazi Leaders
It is morally inconceivable that today some 70 years later equally wicked women and men like Cecile Richards are not just protected against punishment, but glorified and lauded by the man who sits in the highest office of the nation. God is NOT a disinterested spectator in the events of human activities. He will one day show His mercy for the unborn and it will likely become His eternal justice rained on the rest of us.

The Prophet Elijah warned wicked Queen Jezebel that she would be eaten by dogs for murdering Naboth the Jezreelite. And King Manasseh of Judah who made his children to walk in fire as sacrifice to Moloch fell under the Divine eye as God sent King Sennacherib of Assyria to take him away into captivity in a dungeon for 12 long years for his crimes against humanity. God being the same yesterday, today and forever, will do it again. God's mercy is God's justice, and we having abdicated our responsibility and having evaded our accountability are now likely to receive His mercy as justice.

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