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Democrat Gov Jerry Brown of California |
Fox News on TV reported tonight that the California legislature has passed a bill that decriminalizes prostitution for children under 18 years of age, and Governor Jerry Brown has signed this bill into law. The Washington Examiner reports in part:
SB 1322 bars law enforcement from arresting sex workers who are under the age of 18 for soliciting or engaging in prostitution, or loitering with the intent to do so. So teenage girls (and boys) in California will soon be free to have sex in exchange for money without fear of arrest or prosecution.
Frankly I am stunned. Under the guise of mercy - "these children are victims so we shouldn't treat them as criminals" - lives of children are being relegated to the hell of sexual trafficking by pimps and pedophile perverts.
But I shouldn't be stunned. The California Legislature is dominated by members of the political party which advocates infanticide of the unborn as the right to choose and the sanctification of the putrid filth of sterile sexual perversion as equal marriage rights. And the Governor - Jerry Brown - is the same man who brought California to the precipice of disaster during his first gubernatorial tenure decades ago from 1975 to 1983, and yet the Californians, having learned nothing, voted for him again.
Yes, I will be accused of being politically partisan because I am criticizing Democrats and not Republicans, and I am not citing Republican failures in the area of immigration reform, provision of health care, elimination of the death penalty, and stopping unjust war. But amici, NONE of those things compare in gravity or kind to letting pimps prostitute children and pedophiles fornicating with them. NONE of those things compare to the vivisection of an unborn baby in a mother's womb and the sale of his internal organs on the open market. NONE of those things compares to treating the filth of sodomite practice - a man putting his reproductive organ into another man's mouth or rectum - as marriage.
Now for the record I agree that:
- We can't throw millions of illegal immigrants now living in the US to the wolves; we need a common sense transition plan to sanity (but that doesn't mean failing to stem the tide of illegals running the border or continuing to import radical Islamic fanatics)
- We have to provide some kind of health care safety net nationally that catches everyone and doesn't leave anyone in the cold (but that isn't the rip off that is Obamacare)
- We have to find a way to administer life in prison humanely (but that doesn't mean allowing a gangster to continue to orchestrate crime on the outside from within prison walls)
- We have to stop fighting wars in lands of Islamic fascism for mineral slime (but that doesn't mean deserting the Orthodox Christians who live in the Middle East under the sword of Islamic dhimmitude)
But one again, NONE of those things compares in any way to:
- Murdering unborn babies
- Treating sodomite filth as publicly normal and acceptable
- Allowing children to be prostituted
And really, do you, dear readers, honestly believe that a party which is advocate of abortion and sodomy really cares about:
- Poor immigrants
- Health care for the sick
- Humane treatment of prisoners and
- Cessation of war's collateral damage on innocent civilians?
These are all pawns in the quiver of Satan's lies, because any party which murders its own children cares not one iota for social justice, the common good and peace across the land. Truly this is NOT a political matter but a matter of morality and human decency. This is why I am convinced that while the Republican Party is often the party of hypocrisy using Christian evangelicals and traditional Catholics and Orthodox as dupes and stooges, the Democratic Party is truly the party of the Devil himself. All too often what it advocates and what it supports are just what the ancient pagan Canaanites did in worshiping Ba'al, immolating their children in sacrifice to Moloch and dancing around Ash'teroth phallic poles. Mark my words, amici: if we do not repent of this wickedness and eradicate these practices from our land, rescuing our children from Satan's clutches, then God will do to us what He did to ancient Israel and ancient Judah when He let their enemies, Kings Sennacherib of Assyria and Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon, deport them into captivity. God always does the right thing in the right way at the right time because God is the same yesterday, today and forever, blessed be His Holy Name. And may God have mercy on our Republic, but let us beware for His mercy in behalf of these children may prove to be His justice on this once great nation.
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