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Kristine Svinicki NRC Commissioner |
The Energy and Commerce Committee in the US House of Representatives reports that Representatives Upton & Shimkus Hail Kristine Svinicki’s Appointment to Head Nuclear Regulatory Commission. Kristine Svinicki's biography may be read here.
During Barack Hussein Obama’s reign of terror on the nuclear energy industry, she had often been the lone voice of reason in an organization wholly given over to Dr. Jerry Pournelle’s Iron Law of Bureaucracy:
"Pournelle's Iron Law of Bureaucracy states that in any bureaucratic organization there will be two kinds of people. First, there will be those who are devoted to the goals of the organization. Examples are dedicated classroom teachers in an educational bureaucracy, many of the engineers and launch technicians and scientists at NASA, even some agricultural scientists and advisers in the former Soviet Union collective farming administration. Secondly, there will be those dedicated to the organization itself. Examples are many of the administrators in the education system, many professors of education, many teachers union officials, much of the NASA headquarters staff, etc. The Iron Law states that in every case the second group will gain and keep control of the organization. It will write the rules, and control promotions within the organization."
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Gregory "I am better than you" Jackzo Former NRC Chairperson |
As for Jackzo's behavior, just see this example from Kristine Svinicki’s testimony to the Committee on Oversight and Government Report in the US House of Representatives – go to page 2 to read about the abominable behavior of Obama’s appointee Gregory Jackzo, former NRC Chairperson:
Statement of Kristine L. Svinicki - Hearing on “The Leadership of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission”
This kind of stuff NEVER occurred before even under Jimmy worthless Carter and William Jefferson “I did not have sex with that woman” Clinton. I have been in nuclear power since my reactor operator days on a nuclear submarine in 1976, and NEVER have I seen this kind of behavior in nuclear energy till Barack Hussein Obama came on the horizon. NEVER. Here is Representative Darrell Issa’s report on the whole thing.
A Crisis of Leadership How the Actions of Chairman Gregory Jaczko Are Damaging the Nuclear Regulatory Commission
Something else that isn’t talked about much is that many of my friends in the nuclear industry have stated that she is lesbian. I can’t find any corroboration of this in the popular new media and calumny is always sinful, but frankly I don’t give a darn about what people say. If she is lesbian, then she doesn’t have this Democrat narcissistic need for popular name recognition that goes along with perverts coming out of the closet. And she darn sure doesn’t force that style of life on anyone else. And she’s Republican, too! Further, she keeps her private business private and I respect her for that. God bless her, lesbian or not. Svinicki has courage, integrity, virtue and nobility. As far as I am concerned, she will make a great Chairperson.
Now a few words about that liberal progressive feminist Gregory Jackzo. He was appointed to the NRC during President Bush's Administration (2000-2008) in a deal with Harry Reid. Reid was holding up confirmation of John Roberts as Chief Justice of SCOTUS unless his man Jackzo - an anti-nuclear activist opposed to the Yucca Mountain national used nuclear fuel repository - got into the Commission. So Bush made a deal. And Pete Dominici, a Senator from Arizona, wanted Jackzo's anti-nuclearism balanced with pro-nuke Peter Lyons. So since there were two vacancies at the time, Bush appointed both Jackzo the anti-nuke nut case and Lyons the real nuclear engineer, to the NRC and the Senate confirmed them. Then that Obamanation of Desolation got elected and Obama demoted pro-nuke Dale Klein from the Chairpersonship and put anti-nuke Gregory Jackzo in his place. Then everything went to hell for the nuclear energy industry. The nuclear renaissance that Bush started under his Global Nuclear Energy Program was a dead horse, and for all the talking that the Democrats did about anthropogenic global warming, not a darn one really believes a word of it as they spent billions of tax dollars on failed green energy enterprises like Solyndra while killing the NuStart's plans for a new Areva Evolutionary Power Reactor (EPR) at Calvert Cliffs in Maryland with untenable US DOE loan guarantees.
Amici, you must know the truth. Democrats will always and everywhere do the following to promote George Soros' global socialist order:
- Constrict the supply of energy
- Restrict access to health care
- Stupidify the education system
- Emasculate local law enforcement and the military
- Ingratiate with the radical Muslim terrorist enemy
- Marginalize and ridicule traditional Judeo-Christian values and people
President Donald Trump, for all his faults, opposes all of that. Yes, Trump makes another good choice. And lawyer bureaucrat Stephen Burns (who as Chief Counsel in the NRC defended Jackzo during the charges of woman abuse) is demoted from Chairpersonship, and Iranian Jeff Baran (think on that, folks, think on that) – the third Commissioner right now – will likely be out when his term ends. Besides Republican Svinicki and Democrats Burns and Baran, there are two other slots open that Obama did not fill (I think the Republican Congress stopped him). Since the law allows three persons from the majority party and requires two from the minority, those slots will be filled by Republicans – appointed by “let’s reduce the regs by 75%” Donald J Trump!
Things are looking good, folks. Contrary to Democrat fears that a fossil fuel enthusiast like Trump would oppose nuclear energy, the opposite may be the case. Why? Because Republicans believe in the Free Market and in availability of low cost, clean energy supply for everyone (black, white, red, yellow, brown, man, woman, adult, child, gay, straight, Christian, Jew, etc.), not in its constriction with useless, worthless solar and wind (green power, black death).
To the Democrats and the anti-nuclear nut cases – one and the same – I say, “You lost. We won. Get over it, cry babies!”
Ceterum autem censeo liberalismum esse delendum!
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