The title of this post in Latin means, "The Prejudice of the News Organizations against Donald Trump." Avia denotes in Latin a deep-seated, deeply rooted prejudice. About this is what I wish to talk.
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President-Elect Donald Trump |
- James Comey caused the loss by re-opening the email investigation into Hillary Clinton because of Anthony Weiner and his wife, Hillary's adviser, Huma Abedin (never mind that Democrats praised him when he refused to charge Hillary with jeopardizing national security by using private email servers for classified information)
- The electoral college arrangement is unfair and anti-Democratic in that it allows a candidate to win via succeeding in a majority of sovereign States even while he loses the popular vote (never mind that the USA is NOT a Democracy but a Federated Constitutional Republic of separate sovereign States where each individual One has an equal say in the Federal Government regardless its size - winning in a few few major cities should not dictatorially determine the government for the rest of the nation)
- The Russians caused the loss by hacking into Clinton's email and doing some unspecified something that resulted in eventual defeat (never mind that Clinton herself and the Democrats in general never properly secured her email - besides, what are the Russians going to do with the hacking? Release to the American public what Hillary really said about the deplorables whom she so self-righteously despised?)
Yet the abounding examples of the legacy of Obama and Hillary which led to Hillary's defeat are ignored. Both supported, advocated and worked for the murder of the unborn and the sanctification of sterile sexual perversion. And both those things the news media regards as sacraments under the specious pretexts of the right to choose and marriage equality. Both these persons have weakened the United States throughout the world, emasculated our local police and the military, increased the scope and power of big government, aided and abetted illegal immigration and the influx of unvetted Muslims who could be terrorist, ingratiated our nation with principalities of Islamic fanaticism, alienated our friends such as the UK and Israel, interfered with free elections in Israel (where thankfully Benjamin Netanayahu won regardless of Obama machinations to the contrary), fanned the flames of discontent and racial prejudice among black populations.....the list is seemingly without end.
Now what has Donald Trump done? He has said mean, sexist and sometimes idiotic things. But what has he done? He has run a successful business for decades and has raised a successful family whose children love and adore him. That is what he has done. Yes, he is thrice married, which (based on what Jesus said in Matthew chapter 19) technically makes him an adulterer and no better than William Jefferson Clinton (Hillary's husband) who himself had sexual encounters with Monica Lewinski in the Oval Office when he was President (the reporting of which his wife Hillary called a vast right wing conspiracy).
So what is Trump doing now regardless of his adultery? He is selecting people to his cabinet from the military and big business who have proven to be successful themselves. Are those from the military anti-Islamic? Thankfully yes; with some happy exceptions like righteous King Abdullah II and his wife Queen Rania of Jordan, Muslims have spread their hateful religion by the sword since the mid seventh century AD. North Africa and the Middle East were all once Christian, and Muslims changed that not by dialog and persuasion but by the sword, indiscriminately murdering Christians and Jews in their wake or placing them under the servitude of dhimmitude. Are those from big business whom Trump selected rich and well-known elsewhere in the world? Again, thankfully yes; we need successful people with real world experience across the globe to represent and defend our interests. Limp-wrist, lackadaisical politicians who never had a real job in their life (like current Secretary of State John Kerry) have failed and given economic ascendancy to enemies such as communist China which forces abortions for any second baby, and persecutes and maligns the Church, controlling who may be bishop and who may not. It is time therefore that adults are put in charge instead of starry-eyed idealists who never matured out of the "hippie-ism" of their teenage years.
Now all this said, I publicly declare that I never voted for Donald Trump. In the primaries I voted for Ben Carson and in the General Election I voted for Darrell Castle of the Constitution Party. I did so because of the positions those men held on the issues; their stance was the most Christian I could find. And their platforms were closest to the teaching of Holy Mother Church. And yes, while I regarded Hillary Clinton as a resurrected Livia Drusilla Augusta Caesar, I saw Donald Trump as a resurrected Marcus Licinius Crassus. The later may be an unprincipled, foul mouthed, wheeling-dealing, playboy gambler. But the former is surely a murderous pathological liar. Therefore, realizing my selected candidate could not win (I was under no illusions), I was relieved that Trump won the general election instead of Hillary. More babies would be saved from vivisection in the womb, their internal organs being sold on the open market by Planned Parenthood which is funded by tax dollars arranged by Barack Obama. Sodomites would be less able to shove their filth down the throats of others. The military and police would be restored to their rightful places of honor and respect. Islam would be confronted and stopped. The flames of racism would be doused with water. And the free market would be allowed to function as intended.
Donald Trump is no paragon of virtue and certainly cannot accomplish all that he has promised. But neither was Cyrus, King of Persia in the Bible, likewise himself paragon of virtue either. Yet in spite of the fact that Cyrus was a pagan, had many wives and concubines (the ultimate misogynist), and would execute without trial those opposed to his rule (sort of like Rodrigo Duterte on steroids), he set things up to allow the Jews to return from exile in Babylon to their homeland in Judea, rebuilding the wall of Jerusalem and the great Temple itself when Yahweh was worshiped. Thus the prophet Isaiah called him the Lord's Anointed. In the sense that (as St Paul says in one of his epistles) all authority comes from God, Trump is the Lord's Anointed even as Hillary is like Jezebel, wife of King Ahab, who arranged for the murder of righteous Naboth the Jezreelite so that she and her husband could take possession of his vineyard. To the extent therefore that Trump executes his duty as President consistent with that anointing will he be judged as leader. The same is true of Obama. To the extent that Obama has governed consistent with the principle that all authority comes from God will he be judged, first by history in this world and finally by God Himself in the next. Obama's track record is not so good. Let that be a warning to Trump or any would-be leader. But let us at least give Trump a chance to govern. Let us give him the benefit of the doubt. God gave pagan King Cyrus a chance. Are we any better than He?
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