Monday, October 17, 2016

Quinquagesimi Numeri

Amici, Americani et Compatriotae,

Rod Adams has launched in his post American’s Nuclear (Power) Program Is Way Behind Russia’s another lengthy attack against Donald Trump without once mentioning the downright evil that is Hillary Rodham Clinton. Perhaps that liberal progressive feminist should consider the following post at the American Catholic blog: Fifty Points. Hillary Clinton covered up the sexcapades of her husband, former President Bill Clinton - his adulteries, his rapes, his abuses. Hillary Clinton let Americans get murdered by Islamic Jihadists in Benghazi, Libya. Hillary Clinton deliberately mishandled national security information and then deleted tens of thousands of email evidences.  Hillary Clinton has lied to the American public, and worst of all, Hillary Clinton advocates the murder of unborn babies right up until the moment of birth, and the sanctification of the filth of sterile sexual perversion. Yet Rod Adams cannot once mention a single negative about Hillary Clinton (though he claims he will vote for dope head Gary Johnson), yet finds all kinds of time to rail against Donald Trump as a new Adolf Hitler. Hey Rod, it's Hillary Clinton who said Christians must change their point of view. It's Hillary Clinton and her ilk who compel Catholic nuns to provide insurance for contraception against their beliefs and Catholic hospitals to provide abortions against the constant teaching of the Church. It's this kind of people who are Nazi dictators. Indeed, Adolf Hitler would blush green with envy to see the organ harvesting from unborn babies that Democrats in Planned Parenthood do. Nazism? Look at your own political movement - liberal progressive feminism. 50 points ahead indeed! What a wicked and adulterous generation that liberal progressive feminism has produced!

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