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Bolivian President Evo Morales Presents Commie Crucifix to Jorge Bergoglio |
I have been rather quiet the past few weeks. But this Sunday's Mass has really struck me hard. Indeed, for the past several Sundays, instead of the topic of the homily at Mass being the Gospel message of repentance and conversion, righteousness and holiness, it has been a message of giving money to and support of the Parish. Of course there is nothing wrong with those topics in and of themselves. The Parish and its priest does need our financial support. Further, three Sundays ago the homily began innocuously enough with a declaration that a series on the cardinal virtues (prudence, temperance, fortitude, and justice) would be presented. On that Sunday the homily focused on generosity in time, talent and treasure, always a good topic. But the divergence continued and culminated yesterday.
The Gospel reading was the story of Jesus having healed the man born blind from birth in John 9:1-41. The shorten version was read: John 9:1, 6-9, 13-17, 34-38 and I always dislike that because the story is never told in context: key passages are missing. Nevertheless, the homily started rather nicely with a little anecdotal story followed by some sage words of wisdom on what had been read. Then everything fell apart. Instead of continuing with an exposition of the Scriptures, the priest invited a family (husband, wife and five children) to the pulpit to give their story on how they found this Parish and how wonderful it all was. The point of the Gospel story - that while the man born blind from birth was not born that way because he sinned, nevertheless, he still had to obey Jesus and wash in the pool of Siloam before he received healing of his eyesight. In other words, the people in the congregation were never told, "It doesn't matter that you didn't sin; you still have to obey in order to receive Jesus' grace in your life." Rather, they were told, "Look how nice your Parish is. See this wonderful family. Aren't we all one great big happy family. Now please contribute a few more dollars." In fact, there was a special passing of the basket to collect "commitment" cards in the best tradition of Benny Hill, Creflo Dollar, Federick KC Price, Joel Olsteen and all the rest of the Protestant televangelists. Truly I was disgusted.
Then later we heard about this wonderful billboard sign which the Parish financed to be displayed on a nearby major highway, portraying a visage of the Argentinian heretic and giving Mass times. Do these people really think that deeply conservative Baptists and Presbyterians and Pentecostals and Methodists living in the Bible belt south are going to be attracted one little bit by seeing a photograph of a man who has demeaned and maligned the person whom these people voted for the Presidency, who advocates unrestricted immigration from lands of Islamic fascism, and who supports every left wing economic program there is all in the name of social justice and the common good? Why not have a picture of Christ the King or a picture of the Crucifix on the billboard? Why glorify a mere mortal man whose divisiveness and intemperance is causing a schism in the very Church the sign is intended to support?
As I wrote on Facebook previously, the homily during the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass is NOT the place for personal testimonies by lay persons from the Congregation, nor is it the place for the solicitation of funding for this, that and the other thing. To parade a particular family at the altar as an example of anything during a Catholic Mass is as bad as rhythm & blues or rock & roll during a Protestant worship service. It edifies and glorifies the human over the Divine, and frankly I am damn sick and tired of it. I go to Mass to worship the living God Almighty, and to eat His Flesh and drink His Blood. I don't give one hoot about anything else when I am there. Further, I am more convinced than ever that the Novus Ordo Mass ought to be shit canned into the sewage stream of history. It is far too open to abuse and sacrilege.
Indeed, I was frankly very surprised when this happened. The priest involved used to otherwise preach a very orthodox homily except for the last several Sundays. This change has occurred consistent with the influx of new members and the infusion of cash from their contributions into the Parish treasury.
I also note that the new and growing home developments in the area where I live have attracted transplanted refugees from liberal progressive feminism in the northeast and out on the left coast. These people are running away from the consequences of the failed liberal policies and programs which they voted for themselves, and now coming to South Carolina they want to re-create the failed Parishes and failed governments to which they were accustomed where they had once lived.
I am not a mind reader nor an empath, but it seems to me that some priests may get a feeling of self-satisfaction by catering to a majority who feel this way, especially if they have money. The old saying, "Money talks, bullshit walks" is so apt. I see it happening more and more. Catholics used to dominate places like Boston, MA and Syracuse, NY, but they turned liberal with the false gospel of social justice and the common good dispensed at the hand of Tiberius Caesar because they don't want to do the dirty work of helping the poor themselves. And when they move here because they screwed up the Parishes and governments where they once had lived, they set up the very same sickening liberal progressive feminist crap that I absolutely loathe. And for a priest to be successful with his bishop, he has to kowtow to them.
I knew something was wrong when I went to a Bible study about two months ago and was told to muzzle it. At first I thought that maybe I wasn't giving others enough time to respond to questions because frankly I do know a lot about the Bible (certainly more than the average Katholyck) as well as a smattering of Koine Greek and a bit of Latin. But the reality is that they were offended that anyone could possibly know what they already know. They wanted to feel good and self-assured in having the appearance and pretense of piety and sanctity without the substance. I did not return to that Bible study, nor shall I.
Truthfully, I think my days are numbered at that Parish and there is no orthodox Catholic Parish near where I live. None. It's all northeast / left coast liberal crappola. I hate it.
And PS, I won't give one red cent to the Church of Jorge Bergoglio. Not one. Not then. Not now. Not ever.
My debate on the list I mentioned to you was about the loss of the sense of the supernatural, occasioned by the Novus Ordo and VII.