Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Pretosia Parva Liberalis Feministria Nivalis Crusta

Amici, Americani, Compatriotae,

Yesterday a liberal progressive feminist tweeted me that sexism is rampant in the American workplace (apparently she thought - correctly - that I am a conservative and I love authentic womanhood and femininity but despise androgynous feminism). This person had been a worker in the nuclear energy division of the US Department of Energy and is now employed in the communications division at the Third Way Organization (information all available from her public profile). Third Way is a think-tank that claims to be non-partisan and to embrace a middle road between right and left, but which really is a pro-abortion, pro-sodomite liberal leftist organization (yes, I looked up that organization's policy positions on such issues). This "womyn" in its employ is a late 20 something snowflake with a newly minted degree from liberal Academia and some research revealed that she has spent time protesting at women's marches and other such left wing causes. However, the point in all this isn't her history or identity (which will remain anonymous; she deserves her privacy), but to report that when I confronted her accusation of sexism in Western society with the facts about liberals murdering unborn baby girls by sex-selective abortion and Muslims enslaving, torturing and demeaning women in the Middle East, she promptly blocked me. She could not withstand being told that real sexism is what liberals do to unborn baby girls and what Muslims do to women in general. The facts did not fit in with the carefully cultivated paradigm of her delicate emotional feelings. Really, I was quite gratified to have been blocked, for I wrote nothing to demean her character or person, only pointing out the Truth. One thing that worries me, however, is this: the overwhelming majority of such young people who have been programmed by today's liberal Academia are just like her. They cannot tolerate the Truth because the Truth is contrary to all their preconceived notions and their entire world falls apart when the Truth is revealed before their eyes of denial. Just like an alcoholic dope fiend on booze and drugs (a condition with which I have a more than passing familiarity from my misspent youth), they are drunk on the euphoria of their fantasies of a self-created liberal utopia that edifies human ego above Divine Godhead, and the Truth of that Holy Divinity destroys their fantasies by pointing out that Heaven comes from God, not from some useless, worthless social justice program or some liberal progressive think tank, and that God demands repentance before sexism can be eliminated and not afterwards. Righteousness and holiness must precede God granting social justice and the common good. So I am blocked and I feel rather good about that. My work with this precious little feminist snowflake is done.

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