Friday, November 11, 2016

Octo Anni Longi

Amici, Americani, Compatriotae,

We have endured eight long years of liberal progressive feminist Democracy shoving down our throats "women's rights" (baby-murdering), "equal marriage rights" (sodomy sanctification), global warming (goddess Gaia worship), and all manner of other vile and rancid idolatry and wickedness. While I vote for Darrell Castle for the Presidency and not Donald Trump, I for one am relieved that Hillary Rodham Clinton lost the election. Trump may be an unprincipled, foul-mouthed playboy gambler, but Hillary is a murderous pathological liar and had to be prevented from ascending the highest office of the land. Therefore, I am relieved that the persecution of the Church and individual Christians will stop. Christian bakers will be free to refuse to bake wedding cakes for sodomite marriages, and Catholic nuns will be free to refuse to purchase insurance for coverage of contraceptives and school children will be free to recite the pledge of allegiance and pray the Lord's Prayer.

Nevertheless, as I always suspected, many liberal progressive feminists are rioting in the streets. Having cried for Democracy for the past 15 months of the election campaign, they now receive the results of a free voting system and are horrified to learn that a majority (however slim) of this Republic disagrees with them. Instead of accepting that as we who are conservative had to accept the victory of their candidate of immorality and iniquity in 2008 and 2012, they riot, burning the American flag and threatening violence because their demands have not been satisfied. Indeed,here is an example.

Let us suppose that at a place of work there is a conversation started by a delicate flower child who is so offended that misogynist, racist Trump won the election over the First Most Wonderfulest Womyn President ever. With calm reason a man senior to to the rest explains what the facts were in Trump’s history – yes, he’s an unprincipled, foul mouthed, playboy gambler. But look at examples like JFK and Marilyn Monroe or Bill Clinton and Monica Lewinski from the other side of the aisle, or butt twerking Beyonce with her filthy mouth invited to the White House by Michelle Obama who was brought low and utterly shocked by Trump demeaning and marginalizing womyn. None of these men who got into the Oval Office are perfect, and some less so than others. Having had that explained to her, this delicate snow flake then interrupts the conversation (which she had started by complaining about Trump) and walks away, saying, “I have to get a drink of water.” Subsequently an hour later the inevitable email from Human Resources would come: “No political conversations at work lest someone is offended.” Did any HR at any company ever say that when that godless man of sin and depravity - Barack Hussein Obama - was shoving his womyn rights (read abortion) and marriage rights (read sodomy) and liberal progressive feminist ideology down our throats? Democrats were all over the place bragging how a new day was dawning, and companies actually permitted it, even encouraged it.

You know, folks, I am really sick and tired of these precious little hurt feelings from 20 something spoiled brats who need about six years in the nuclear submarine force cleaning the bilges beneath the main feedwater pumps for the nuclear steam generators while on patrol in the North Atlantic in January. If this is the future of the country, then we are truly doomed. Such a character can certainly be among the smartest and best engineers one would know, but when it comes to her anti-life heroine Hillary (who covered up her husband Bill Clinton's adulteries and rapes) not being elected, oh my Lord, the world is ending and all is lost! As far as I am concerned, these brats all need to move out of the United States. I have a nation for them: the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea.

One last thing: half the population and most of the land area of these United States are conservative Christians who believe in the Second Amendment.

So these rotten little kids who need their behinds paddled red had better beware when they cry for violence, because half the country has the guns with which to give them what they so richly deserve. I do NOT advocate that. In fact, I advise calm and reason and dialogue and diversity and tolerance - all the things these liberals say they support. But we all know that's a lie. So in the words of King Leonidas of Sparta to the evil Persian brute Xerxes:

μολὼν λαβέ

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